Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Why Times Five

This week has been all about the question Why. Why become a teacher? Write Anything on Monday wondered why write in the first place?

But my chemistry professor brought up the best point about the question why. He stated a good scientist doesn't just ask why, they ask it at least five times to see if the answer holds up and to follow where those answers lead.

I don't think this should only be for scientists to ask why 5 times.

Here is a great example. I played baseball from as early as I can remember. After high school (it's been almost fifteen years now) I was accepted to play at a local college and had a small scholarship. I quit immediately after our first meeting.


1) The coach said, "If you have ever thought about quitting, quit." So I did.


2) I had a life outside baseball. I had a girlfriend you know.


3) I didn't want to put the time commitment in.


4) I was tired of feeling like the slum of the earth after a bad game and an invincible jerk after a good game. I wanted to get off that roller-coaster of emotion.


5) I didn't want to start over with a new team and go through the issues of trying to fit in. I worried I didn't deserve or belong playing baseball at that level. I worried that I wasn't good enough.

See how the answers went from flippant to pretty detailed and emotional...yes that really is a true story. Go cry for me. Or not. But it did take a long time for me to even REALLY understand why I had made that decision.

Are you asking your characters why? What about your story? Have you had your tale move off your intended path into something totally different? Why? Why? Why? Don't ask once...ask five times! And don't forget that where it leads you is just as important as answering the question!

Mike, from one of my new favorite shows, The Middle, was hammered with the question why just last week. They thought he was just a little to excited about septic tanks. I love this show....I'm a Hoosier (whispers "Hoosier" to self) afterall.

1 comment:

  1. Are you disheartened? It takes a little while to build up a following. You have some good posts here--don't quit now!

    I think you're right to ask why--it's a very important question to ask our characters, and probably one I don't ask mine enough. Now I am curious what they will answer! What did yours answer?

